28. august 2025
Vær klar til at spille METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER på dagen! Ved forudbestilling bliver beløbet først trukket ved levering. Din CD key (produktnøgle) bliver sendt på udgivelsesdatoen eller 1-2 dage før!
Pre-Order Bonus
*This content is also obtainable through in-game progress.
The core experience of the original, evolved and more immersive than ever.
A remake of the 2004 game METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER, with the same gripping story and engrossing world, now with all new graphics and 3D audio that enhance the jungle atmosphere. Get ready for the ultimate survival stealth action experience.
The Cold War Crisis that started it all
In the middle of the Cold War, Naked Snake, the man who would later be known as Big Boss, infiltrates the Soviet Union to escort a defecting scientist, Sokolov. However, the mission ends in failure when Snake's mentor—The Boss, a soldier known as the mother of special forces—betrays him, and Sokolov is captured by Colonel Volgin of the GRU.
One week later, Snake returns to Soviet territory to rescue Sokolov and eliminate The Boss—a mission that will mark the start of a new legend, a mission that will mark the start of a new legend, against the backdrop of the ever-changing march of history.
Everything you love, and more
The story, characters, voice acting, gameplay, and music that made the original a sensation return, remade for modern consoles. This evolutionary leap breathes new life into every cutscene, and rebuilds every corner of the world.
Gorgeously rendered graphics
With Unreal Engine 5, expansive stages are rendered with cutting-edge technology. Incredible new graphics bring the wild growth of the jungles, forests, and swamps to life in exquisite detail. Characters are rendered in such fine detail that facial wrinkles, pores, and even separate eye and iris movements are visible, allowing for rich and emotive facial animations.
Authentic to life portrayals
The battle damage system has been upgraded, with the wear and tear of Snake's clothes, as well as bruises and bullet wounds on his body, reflected in real time. Injuries will leave their mark on Snake's body permanently, telling a story of each player's unique journey through the game.
Deeply immersive experiences
Players can elect for a newly added, more modern control style. These intuitive controls let you focus entirely on the game, and the immersive thrills of the survival stealth experience. You can also choose to play with a classic control style that more closely recreates the feel of the original game.
In this mode, you'll play as Snake, and round up all the escaped apes running amok in each stage!
And more to come...
*Some content may require an internet connection and downloadable update to play.
Legal Information
©Konami Digital Entertainment
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Nej, du modtager en METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER produktnøgle (METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER produktnøgle (METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
Discover the origin story of iconic military operative Snake and begin to unravel the plot of the legendary METAL GEAR series.
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