Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Across the Obelisk på Steam for at kunne bruge Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti.
Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Across the Obelisk på Steam for at kunne bruge Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti.
Set sail for the Sahti Islands in this all-new pirate-themed adventure. Powerful factions are vying for dominance in this once-peaceful archipelago. Will you defend the indigenous people, exploit their natural resources or battle to emerge as king of the pirates? The choice is yours!
The Shores of Sahti Story Pack introduces a classic pirate setting to Across the Obelisk alongside an array of new items, enemies and secrets to discover.
Explore a tropical paradise thrown into chaos by the awakening of an ancient obelisk.
Formidable foes have emerged from the depths of the ocean, threatening the existence of the spiritual Sahti people.
Amid the turmoil, three powerful factions wrestle for control of the islands: the navy seeking to defend the locals, the greedy Company of Overseas Trade and feuding bands of pirates. Who will you side with?
Face-off against 20 new enemies, three champion enemies and three new bosses, including the legendary Kraken.
Bring two new pets to the party—Matey the parrot, and Mimy a mimic chest with a mouthful of teeth!
Do battle in a gorgeous nautical combat theme.
Thrilling new locations are yours to discover. Explore a mighty dreadnought, investigate a fearsome pirate fortress and solve the secrets of the briny deep.
Navigate your way through a host of new events.
Get to grips with 35 new items.
Add a touch of seafaring flair to your deck with a new cardback design.
Share the story with your co-op party. Only one person per party needs to own this Story Pack to play through the adventure.
Legal Information
© 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. Across the Obelisk is published by Paradox Interactive AB and developed by Dreamsite S.L.. ACROSS THE OBELISK and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademark, logo and copyright is the property of its owner.
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Nej, du modtager en Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti produktnøgle (Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti produktnøgle (Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Across the Obelisk: Shores of Sahti. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
Set sail for the Sahti Islands in this all-new pirate-themed adventure. Powerful factions are vying for dominance in this once-peaceful archipelago. Will you defend the indigenous people, exploit their natural resources or battle to emerge as king of the pirates? The choice is yours!
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