Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew på Steam for at kunne bruge Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual.
Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew på Steam for at kunne bruge Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual.
Avast, ye brave souls! Set the Red Marley's sails for the DLC expansion Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual and plunge into a new adventure to conduct a dark experiment with the goal to unveil the secrets behind the Inquisition's holy flame.
The Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual DLC presents a fresh adventure set within Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. It introduces the new playable character "Zagan the Apostate", a mysterious new island to explore, and an enthralling storyline that unravels over the course of six new missions.
Play a new character with dark powers: Recruit "Zagan the Apostate" to your cursed crew. A genius, ruthless scientist and former high-ranking Prognosticar of the Inquisition, with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Touched by both the Undead Curse and Maiden's Fire, he possesses dark powers both potent and unstable, which he wields with fierce determination against his enemies. Use his cursed black hand to force corrupted energy into the minds of his foes and draw out their soul energy – or swing his powerful staff to weave corrupted Maiden's Fire around an enemy to hold them in place and eliminate them.
Explore an eldritch castle island: Visit "Zagan's Lair" on an enigmatic new island of the Lost Caribbean, which is shrouded in darkness and intrigue. Complete with a foreboding Gothic-style castle, terror and mystery merge into a disquieting environment on this island, where "Zagan the Apostate" is working on an occult experiment.
Uncover the secret of the Maiden's Fire: Immerse yourself in a dark narrative that tells a new story within Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew across six missions set in the Lost Caribbean. Join "Zagan the Apostate" as he invites the Red Marley's cursed crew on a perilous quest to complete a dark experiment. Zagan's goal? To harness the very essence of the Maiden's Fire – a soul-consuming flame employed by the Inquisition against the Cursed. Will you unveil the corrupted nature of this closely-guarded Inquisition enigma?
Main game integration: The new DLC character and island seamlessly integrate into the main game. Once you unlock the DLC, you can play Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual and recruit "Zagan the Apostate" to your cursed pirate crew after completing the main game mission "Fruits of Her Labor" on the island Dread Vine's Cove, which is playable after you have revived the first three characters. You can then start Zagan's story at any time and also take him on almost any main game mission.
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Nej, du modtager en Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual produktnøgle (Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual produktnøgle (Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
"Zagan the Apostate" is inviting you to his ominous laboratory. Recruit the zealous scientist and former Inquisition member to your crew, set sail to an eldritch castle island and experience a new campaign. Will you unveil the secrets of the Inquisition’s holy flame?
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