Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Crusader Kings III på Steam for at kunne bruge Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV.
Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Crusader Kings III på Steam for at kunne bruge Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV.
A Year of Vast New Horizons
Chapter IV of Crusader Kings III invites you to explore the struggles of the nomadic way of life and the splendor of Eastern Asia. With a rich lineup of content releasing throughout 2025, Chapter IV brings new challenges, systems, and customization options that deepen your gameplay and expand the game map in thrilling new ways.
March 12, 2025: Crowns of the World (Day One Unlock)
Crown Your Legacy
Kickstart your Chapter IV journey with Crowns of the World, a regal collection of cosmetic options to elevate your ruler’s appearance:
Available immediately to Chapter IV Expansion Pass owners upon purchase.
April 28, 2025: Khans of the Steppe (Core Expansion)
Rule the Steppe
Take control of the Great Steppe with Khans of the Steppe, a Core Expansion focused on nomadic life and the rise of the Great Khan. Experience the challenges of migration, warfare, and the brutal realities of life on the Steppe.
Will you conquer the Steppe or be swept aside by its harsh demands?
Q3 2025: Coronations (Event Pack)
Kneel for the Crowning
Take an oath and declare the vision of the ruler you aspire to be with the Coronations Event Pack. Establish your dominance and claim to power by hosting a grand coronation ceremony, instilling awe and respect in your subjects and neighboring monarchs alike.
It is your time to step up as a ruler!
Q4 2025: All Under Heaven (Major Expansion)
Claim the Mandate of Heaven
The map grows 30% larger with All Under Heaven, a Major Expansion that brings the splendor and complexity of Eastern Asia to Crusader Kings III. Rule over vast empires, lead legendary clans, and navigate intricate political landscapes from China to Japan and beyond.
With new bookmarks, regional flavor, and a vibrant cultural backdrop,
All Under Heaven lets you rewrite history in the East.
Legal Information
©2025 and published by Paradox Interactive AB, CRUSADER KINGS and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. All other trademarks, logos, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Hvordan virker det? Modtager jeg Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV fysisk?
Nej, du modtager en Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV produktnøgle (Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV produktnøgle (Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Crusader Kings III: Chapter IV. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
Your Year. Your Legacy.
From the crowning glory of Crowns of the World to the sweeping narratives of Khans of the Steppe, Coronations and All Under Heaven, Chapter IV offers a comprehensive journey through the diverse and dynamic world of Crusader Kings III.
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