As a traveler without a name, you find yourself stranded in a ghost town on the frontier. Everyone is gone, including the hired hand and the horses supposed to carry you over the mountain. But the howling in the distance means that you won't be alone for soon. Better check your iron, partner, for it's the only thing between you and monsters that lurk everywhere in the Cursed West.
Hauntsville is a western horror survival game, set in the heyday of the American West. Stranded with just the clothes on your back (and up to three of your hopefully closest friends), you'll have to work the land to make it through the night. Build a homestead, search the haunted town for supplies or try to survive on what you can find in the wild, pursued by creatures straight from North American folklore!
The Cursed West: Set in a remote mountain village during the conquest of the American West, Hauntsville lets you experience this pivotal period in American history, fighting for your very life against the things in the dark.
Alone or with pardners: It wouldn't be the Wild West without a trusty partner at your side. Whether you're the good, the bad, or the ugly, Hauntsville can welcome up to four brave cowboys on the adventure of their lives!
Western survival: A cowboy won't make it far on their own. Build a homestead with trees cut down with your own axe. Delve into mines to bring up iron to smith into tools. Hunt animals to keep yourself fed. Or pack your iron and head into the haunted town to stock up - if you dare.
Day and night gameplay: The valley’s almost peaceful while the sun is up, allowing you to explore in relative safety. But everything changes come nightfall. Beasts lurk around every corner, looking to turn you into a trail snack. Surviving from dusk till dawn is an open question.
Dynamic weather: Every time you head out the weather might take a turn for the worse. A clear sky can turn gray, followed by a downpour that leaves you trapped in the mud. Up higher, you might be blindsided by a blizzard or disoriented by the sudden onset of night, exposing you to things that lurk in the dark.
Unpredictability: Hauntsville relies on these sophisticated dynamic systems to ensure that no two games are the same. You never know if a place that was once safe might turn out to be a monsters' nest the next time through, a rich claim you just staked won't be buried under mud or snow when you come back, or if a quick trip to get firewood won’t turn into a nail-biting fight for survival.
Authenticity: Every aspect of Hauntsville has been meticulously researched, from the Colts and Winchesters, through period-accurate architecture and clothing, to the very beings stalking you in the valley, drawn from the rich folklore of the American West and beyond.
Legal Information
© Michael Janisch & Freedom Games - All Rights Reserved
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Nej, du modtager en Hauntsville produktnøgle (Hauntsville CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Hauntsville produktnøgle (Hauntsville CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Hauntsville. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
You're a nameless traveler, stranded in a ghost town in the Cursed West. Use your wits, elbow grease, and the iron on your hip. Build a homestead, work the land, and survive against unspeakable monsters in this unique Western horror survival game - alone or with friends!
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