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E3 2020 aflyst

Oprettet: 15-03-2020 13:21:50

Billedresultat for E3

E3 er officielt blevet aflyst på grund af COVID-19 eller bedre kendt som Corona virussen. Dette havde vi dog forventet efter det kom ud af Sony og et par andre havde trukket sig fra E3.

En erklæring fra ESA lyder: "After careful consultation with our member companies regarding the health and safety of everyone in our industry--our fans, our employees, our exhibitors and our longtime E3 partners--we have made the difficult decision to cancel E3 2020, scheduled for June 9-11 in Los Angeles."

"Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global situation. We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold this event for our fans and supporters. But we know it’s the right decision based on the information we have today."

Som sagt var det nok noget vi alle havde forventet, jeg havde dog forventet at de kørte den digitalt i stedet.

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